Appeal to players

Tema en 'El rincón de los usuarios' iniciado por Украина, 17 Diciembre 2013.

Querido usuario,

si deseas participar activamente en nuestro foro en los diferentes temas, deberás acceder al él desde tu cuenta de juego. En caso de no tener una cuenta de juego registrada aún, te pedimos que te registres en el juego lo antes posible. Nos alegraremos mucho con tu próxima visita a nuestro foro! „JUGAR“
  1. Украина

    Украина Aprendiz

    Dear players! I want to tell you my story.
    For three years of the game in his ship, I encountered two problems.

    The first problem was that one day I could go to the ship. Our valiant Russian support me then helped.
    Now befell the second problem - stole a ship unknown to me entity((As always, I wrote about my problem to the customer support.
    Gave them everything they asked for, even a statement from the police and the screenshots payments. That is all that confirms that this is my ship.
    And here I waited for an ambush). Support refuses to me return to my ship((.
    2 weeks ignored me and eventually wrote: "Re lost access to your account may only mean careless treatment of personal information by
    user. For this, we cannot be held responsible, so in return denied" It's all nonsense! What a repeated loss??? I stole a ship, I even attached screenshots, where scammers want money for the return of your account.
    But our valiant service then no longer answer me. Last message: "Please refrain from further queries. Your question has been exhausted
    and not processed". ( That is, by ASKING THEM to WRITE AND FORGET ABOUT MY ACCOUNT.)First once there was a problem with logging in, but to my query support answered , that I have and then was stolen .
    They have not requested a statement from the police. But it is also mandatory when a stolen account??? As they work there we can only guess. ((I do not agree with their decision, and in a mild form points to the fact that the sluggishness or lack of desire to help profitable kidnappers, who can sell my
    account to another player. I no sense to invest real money in the new account, and it's additional losses in the Company's profit.
    But this is not an accusation, but подозрения.Все proves that fraudsters stealing people ships, including me. While the administration does nothing to help players, bringing revenue to the Company.
    All screenshots prove me right, that this ship of mine and what I have it stolen.
    How to be players who steal ships???Hackers now breaks all that they want, even their game and they are no one is immune.
    Dear players, please write your opinion about all this and supporting me) ID игрока: 166/27674582
    Пират с: 2010-02-21
    Логин: Житомир
  2. esto no era el foro español,es k no entiendo ni patada jajajaaj
  3. Grace

    Grace Guest

    otro idioma borro