
Tema en 'El rincón de los usuarios' iniciado por justice, 23 Diciembre 2013.

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  1. justice

    justice Aprendiz

    Greetings from Bulgaria,
    We are a group of players, which wants to express a great disappointment with the rules of the bulgarian support team. Before a few days the board admin Ivaylo-MAGIC was expelled from that team. Ivaylo-MAGIC is a person who was there for a very long time and he has proved us many times that he gave his best when we needed help with some game problems. Since the day he was expelled we have written many times to the bulgarian support and begged them to get him back in the team. What's more we've tried our chance by writing to the Support team in Germany... The answer of the Bulgarian support team was that it was the internal policy of bigpoint and it do not concerns the players. So... to put it into other words...what they've told us is that we don't have right to express our opinion. What we can't understand is why if the support team is an institution made to help the players, the players are not allowed to have an oppinion for how usefull they are and as in the case to want someone back in the team. There are lots of other players that do not like some admins in the team and they CAN write that they want them out, and there is a real chance it to happens if it can be proved that he was not as good in his job. So now, we are asking just the opposite. Why we don't have the right to want someone back in the support team if he was really helpful to us.